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2024-02-08 22:12:17
美[ʃæmbɑːlɪk]  英[ʃæmbɒlɪk]
adj.  大混乱的


  1. (British slang) disorderly or chaotic;

    "its a shambolic system"


  1. The politician says: "You had thought, this shambolic who is caused? 政治家说:“你们有没有想过,这场大混乱是谁造成的?”
  2. But after witnessing the last two shambolic England displays, how McClaren would love to unleash Owen alongside Wayne Rooney. 同样对于经历了英格兰两场混乱的比赛后,如果欧文回来和鲁尼搭档,麦克拉伦肯定乐疯了。
  3. The news came as events inside the courtroom yesterday teetered on the shambolic. 昨天法庭上发生的事件尚在混乱中扰人眼的时候,新闻传出来了。
  4. Instead of being a Blitzkrieg, Operation Perch had ended as a shambolic retreat. 作为一次闪电战,“鲈鱼”计划以惨败告终。
  5. After all, Mr Fukudas standing at home, where he presides over a shambolic and talentless administration, is fragile. 毕竟福田康夫自己还立身未稳,他手下的本届政府办事无能、乱成一团。
  6. The only glimmer of hope is that the jury refused to accept the shambolic official version of events at face value, and threw it out. 唯一的一线希望是陪审团拒不接受对这一事件解释得无比混乱的官方说法,并将之抛至脑后。