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2024-02-08 22:37:17
美  英
n.  理想乐园;世外桃源


  1. They say Hunza is the real Shangrila. 他们说这里才是真正的香格里拉。
  2. But was not the Shangrila for me. 但对我,这不是香格里拉。
  3. Today, Shangrila stands asa synonym for paradise. 时至今日,香格里拉己成为世外桃园的代名词。
  4. Shangrila,my place,the Eden on on the earth. 有必要为它写点东西了。
  5. Uh, I started it off in my last album called Shangrila. 在最新专辑“香格里拉”中我开始了这种尝试。
  6. The eventful gathering was held in the Rainbow Hall of the Shangrila Hotel. 聚会在泗水香格里拉大饭店彩虹厅举行。