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2024-02-08 23:01:17
美[ʃer]  英[ʃeə(r)]
vt.  分享,共享;分配;共有
vi.  分享
n.  一份;股份;分担;犁头
  形容词:shareable  名词:sharer  过去式:shared  过去分词:shared  现在分词:sharing  第三人称单数:shares


  1. 股份,股票
  2. 一份,份儿,一部分
  3. 分担,分担量,分摊
  4. 市场占有率
  5. 贡献
  6. 犁头,犁刃
  7. 份额,分配额
  8. 分配额
  1. 分配(常与with 连用)
  2. ( 平均)分享,共享
  3. 共同使用,合用,共用,共有
  4. ( 平均)分担,分摊,均摊
  5. 平分
  6. 有同样的感情
  7. 把自己的想法告诉
  8. 共同承担
  9. 参与(常与in连用)


  1. [C] 一份 the part belonging to, owned to, or done by a particular person
  2. [C] 股,股份,股票 any of the equal parts into which the ownership or a company can be divided, which are offered for sale to the public
  1. vt. & vi. 分配 divide into parts, each taking a part
  2. vt. & vi. 共有,共用 use together; enjoy together; have in common


  1. assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group;

    "he wanted his share in cash"

  2. any of the equal portions into which the capital stock of a corporation is divided and ownership of which is evidenced by a stock certificate;

    "he bought 100 shares of IBM at the market price"

  3. the allotment of some amount by dividing something;

    "death gets more than its share of attention from theologians"

  4. the part played by a person in bringing about a result;

    "I am proud of my contribution in advancing the project" "they all did their share of the work"

  5. a sharp steel wedge that cuts loose the top layer of soil
  1. have in common;

    "Our children share a love of music" "The two countries share a long border"

  2. use jointly or in common
  3. have, give, or receive a share of;

    "We shared the cake"

  4. give out as ones portion or share
  5. communicate;

    "Id like to share this idea with you"


  1. buy shares购买股票
  2. hold shares持有股票
  1. share food分享食物
  2. share sbs opinion和某人意见相同
  3. share £1000均分一千英镑
  4. share the joys and sorrows同甘共苦
  5. share the profits分享利润
  6. share the room共住一个房间
  7. share the same bed同床共枕
  1. share among在…中分享
  2. share among five men将…均分给五人
  3. share in共同拥有〔使用〕…
  4. share in the profits分享利润
  5. share in the work分担工作
  6. share in troubles and joys分享苦乐
  7. share in using the computer共同使用计算机
  8. share with同…分享
  9. share with cousin和表弟一起分享
  1. share equitably均分
  2. share faithfully正确地分成
  3. share profitably有利益地分享
  4. share vicariously替人分担
  5. share out分配,分发


  1. Children should be taught to share their toys.应该教育孩子们分享玩具。
  2. Keep your fears to yourself but share your courage with others.把恐惧留给自己,和他人分享勇气。
  3. Share the fruit among your friends.把水果分给你的朋友们。
  4. I share a bedroom with my sister.我和我姐姐合住一间卧室。
  1. There is only one bedroom, so well have to share只有一间卧室,所以我们得合着用。
  1. Your share of the cost is 10 pounds.你这一份费用是10英镑。
  2. Shes got all her money in stocks and shares.她所有的钱都投放到股票里去了。
  3. You have to do your fair share of the work.你必须做好你该分担的那一份工作。
  4. The plough was already scoring in the field opposite the window, and where the share has been, the earth was pressed flat and gleamed with moisture.对着窗户的外面,铧犁正在田野划刻着印迹,犁头所到之处,土被压得平平整整,湿气在阳光下闪亮。


    share用作名词时,可表示“分得或应承受的一份”,其后常接of或in。 share在英式英语中还可指“股票”,是可数名词,而在美式英语中“股票”一般说stock。 share有时可置于另一名词前作定语。
    share的基本意思是“分享”,即指某物最初的所有人或持有人允许别人使用、分享或占有其中一部分,可指接受者部分的使用、分享或占有属于或来自他人的东西,也可指为一群人集体共用。 share用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,与in连用,后可与抽象名词连用(如the cost, the joys, the fun, troubles, the happiness等)。