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2024-02-09 00:50:17
美[ʃeld]  英[ʃeld]
n.  雌麻鸭


  1. Fumonisin is kind of fungus toxin which fusauium moniliform sheld produces, it can pollute maize and their products, also can pollute grain such as the wheat, rice and products. 伏马菌素是串珠镰刀菌产生一类酶菌毒素,它能污染玉米及其制品,也可污染小麦、稻米等粮食及其制品;
  2. Research on Yanhe Goat Breeding in Sheld 沿河山羊舍饲养殖试验研究
  3. White-headed Sheld Duckn. 白腹麻鸭
  4. Common Sheld Duckn. 翘鼻麻鸭
  5. Crested Sheld Duckn. 凤头麻鸭