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2024-02-09 01:08:17
美[ʃelˌʃɒkt]  英[ʃelʃɒkt]
adj.  [医] 患炮弹休克的;患战斗疲劳症的


  1. I think many fans on this board are shellshocked from those bad blowouts last season. 但同时他今晚糟糕的命中率应该是不正常的。
  2. "I was completely shellshocked," Berger, now 82, of Floral Park in Queens, told the sophomores who listened in intense silence in the school library. “我当时完全被吓呆了,”现年82岁,居住在纽约佛罗拉公园的伯杰在学校的图书馆向他身边的鸦雀无声的二年级学生讲述着。
  3. Reacting to Americas shellshocked consumers, other countries have stimulated their economies, most conspicuously China. 相比起患有战斗疲劳症的美国消费者,其他国家,特别是中国,正积极发展自己的经济。
  4. Shellshock 2: Blood Trails The game exempts the compact disc patch Exempts the compact disc the meaning o..... 弹震症2:血迹 游戏的免光盘补丁 免光盘的意思就是不用验证光盘;直接玩.
  5. ShellShock and I are just joking. What you ask is impossible. You cannot predict a random number. Because if you could, it would not be a random number. 谢洛克和我只是在开玩笑,你所说的是不可能的。你不能预测一个随机数。因为如果你可以,那么它将不是一个随机数
  6. The Federal Reserve came to the aid of insurance giant AIG, engineering an $85 billion rescue, staving off the bankruptcy and hoping to bring a measure of calm to a shellshocked global market. 联邦贮备委员会拟定了一份85亿美元的援救项目;用于拯救濒临破产的AIG国际集团;同时也希望能够帮稳定全球股票市场.