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2024-02-09 01:10:17
美[ʃelɪ]  英[ʃelɪ]
adj.  多壳的;贝壳一般的;由贝壳做成的


  1. Shelly kneed her attacker in the groin. 谢莉用膝盖去撞攻击者的下身。
  2. Shelly took the sick cat to a veterinarian. 雪莉带着生病的猫咪去看兽医。
  3. Shelly attends a cow college in southern Utah. 雪莉在犹他州南部上一所乡间学院。
  4. Shelly doesnt like people who are unreliable. 雪莉不喜欢不可靠的人。
  5. Shelly can hold her own when it comes to bicycling. 一涉及到骑自行车,谢利就不会败给别人。
  6. Shelly is amongthe worlds greatest poets. 雪莱是世界上最伟大的诗人之一。