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2024-02-09 01:12:17
美[ʃeltəˌbelt]  英[ʃeltəbelt]
n.  防风林


  1. hedge or fence of trees designed to lessen the force of the wind and reduce erosion


  1. The shelterbelt kept the sand in check. 防护林带挡住了风沙。
  2. The Three North Shelterbelt is a forestation undertaking. 三北防护林带是一项造林事业。
  3. Abstract: The park design is about the renovation and enlargement based on an old shelterbelt in the suburb. 摘要:这是一个依托城郊老旧防护林带进行更新扩建的公园设计。
  4. Soil water storage of farmland shelterbelt region increases 2.2% than CK in growing season. 农田林网区土壤贮水量在生长季总体上比林网外对照提高2.;2%25。
  5. An Experimental Studies on Mediating Growth of Poplar and Elm Mixed Farm Shelterbelt. 杨、榆混交型林带生长调解试验研究
  6. According to a shelterbelt to be "in line with local conditions, due to take maximum security" principle. 营造防护林时必须根据“因地制宜,因需设防”的原则。