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2024-02-09 01:14:17
美  英
n.  谢尔顿(m


  1. His eye rested on Shelton, fanatic and dreary. 他眼光既热情又阴郁地落在谢尔顿身上。
  2. Shelton stared at the youths hand. 谢尔顿目不转睛地盯着这青年的手。
  3. Brackmann Clough Shelton Moises A. Otologic Surgery (Second Edition) 作者 Derald E.
  4. "It was structural failure," Shelton says. “这是结构遭到破坏的声音。
  5. Shelton and Jennifer Smith Stepanek. 作者声明: by Terri L.
  6. Clyde Shelton: [smiles] Im just gettin warmed up. 克莱德谢尔顿:(笑着说)我只是要唤醒某些人的记忆。