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2024-02-09 01:16:17
美[ʃelvz]  英[ʃelvz]
n.  架子,搁板(名词shelf的复数)
v.  放在架子上,搁置;倾斜(动词shelve的第三人称单数)


  1. hold back to a later time
  2. place on a shelf


  1. It will take several firings to clear the shelves of all these pots.把这些架上的陶罐全都烧好要烧好几窑。
  2. She bought some timber off-cuts to build kitchen shelves.她买了一些木材下脚料做厨房用架子。
  3. The shore shelves down to the sea.海岸向海面的倾斜角度很小。
  4. We havent enough shelves to keep all our books on.我们的书架不够用,放不下这麽多书。
  5. The river-bottom shelves here.河底从这里呈缓坡倾斜。
  6. There were a lot of books on the shelves along the walls.靠墙的书架上有许多书。
  7. He has read every book on the shelves.书架上所有的书他都读过了。
  8. He chose a book at a venture from the shelves.他从书架上随便挑了一本书。