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2024-02-09 02:10:17
美[ˌʃɪgəloʊsɪs]  英[ʃɪgələʊsɪs]
n.  [医]志贺氏菌病;志贺氏细菌性痢疾


  1. an acute infection of the intestine by shigella bacteria; characterized by diarrhea and fever and abdominal pains


  1. Shigellosis is endemic in both tropical and temperate climates. 细菌性痢疾是热带和温带的常见病。
  2. There are no commercial vaccines available to prevent shigellosis. 目前尚无可用于预防细菌性痢疾的批量生产的疫苗。
  3. OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the efficacy of locetin in the treatment of shigellosis. 目的:评价国产罗塞秦治疗小儿细菌性痢疾的疗效。
  4. Aim To explore the special source of shigellosis infection outbreak in Jiangmen. 目的探讨江门一起菌痢暴发的特异传染源。
  5. Worldwide, two-thirds of shigellosis cases, and most of the deaths, are in children under 10 years of age. 在世界范围内,有约2/3的细菌性痢疾病例,以及绝大部分因此造成的死亡,发生在10岁以下的儿童中。
  6. CONCLUSION:Locetin is as effective as ceftriaxone for treatment of Shigellosis in children. 结论:罗塞秦与头孢三嗪治疗小儿菌痢疗效相同。