2024-02-09 02:32:16
sp. 清水(财富500强公司之一, 总部所在地日本, 主要经营工程建筑)
- In a bar, Lee saves Masako from Shimizu Group. 由于他武功高强,被幕后老板清水昭文赏识并重用。
- Shimizu is her bodyguard and will move in if there are problems. 清水是她的保镖,一旦出现问题,便由他出面解决。
- He gets hotly pursued by Shimizu gangster but manages to escape through the help of a woman gangster, Chang. 为取得清水的信任,李不惜用苦肉计,砸了好兄弟刘汉明的饭馆。
- YUKO SHIMIZU is a freelance illustrator and fine artist lives and works in New York. YUKO SHIMIZU是一位自由插画家和画家,现在住在并工作于纽约。
- Spend only a bottle, plus points Shimizu, a daily water can, for fear troubles enough time sorting plant. 只需一个花樽,加点清水,每天换水一次即可,适合怕麻烦又没时间整理植物的人。
- Zhao, K.-Q.; Hu, P.; Wang, B.-Q.; Yu, W.-H.; Chen, H.-M.; Wang, X.-L.; Shimizu, Y. Chin. J. Chem. 2007, 25, 375-381. 赵可清,高彩艳,汪必琴,胡平.;含有酰胺键的混合软链苯并菲盘状液晶的合成及其介晶性