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2024-02-09 02:35:17
美[ʃɪmi]  英[ʃɪmi]
n.  希米舞;异常的摆动;震动
v.  跳希米舞;异常地摆动
  名词复数:shimmies  过去式:shimmied  过去分词:shimmied  现在分词:shimmying  第三人称单数:shimmies


  1. 狐步舞
  2. 汽车的异常震动
  3. 女式无袖衬衫
  4. 【机】震动
  5. 摆动
  6. 振动
  7. 不正常振动
  8. 希米舞曲
  9. 摇动
  10. 无袖女衬衫
  11. 激烈地震动
  12. 震颤
  13. 希米舞(20年代流行的一种摇肩摆臀的爵士舞) 
  14. 异常的摆动
  1. 跳狐步舞
  2. 摇动
  3. 摆动
  4. 震动
  5. 一扭一摆地走
  6. 跳动
  7. 震颤
  8. 晃动
  9. 跳希米舞
  10. 异常地摆动


  1. an abnormal wobble in a motor vehicle (especially in the front wheels);

    "he could feel the shimmy in the steering wheel"

  2. a womans sleeveless undergarment
  3. lively dancing (usually to ragtime music) with much shaking of the shoulders and hips
  1. tremble or shake;

    "His voice wobbled with restrained emotion"

  2. dance a shimmy


  1. He could feel the shimmy in the steering wheel. 他能够感觉到方向盘中不寻常的震动。
  2. Jason: Maggie a little shimmy is perfect natural of new tires. 杰森:麦琪,新轮胎总是要坏的,这很正常。
  3. He looks as if, as if he knows what I look like without my shimmy! 他的眼光看起来好象;好象他知道我不穿衣服是什么样子.
  4. I want to shimmy when I dance and wiggle when I walk. 我想跳舞的时候摇摇摆摆,走路的时候扭来扭去。
  5. SCARLETT: He looks as if, as if he knows what I looked like without my shimmy. 斯佳丽:他看起来好像,好像知道我不穿内衣会像是什么样。
  6. A mathematical model for wheel shimmy of off-road vehicle was established. 摘要以一类越野车为研究时象,建立前轮摆振系统的数学模型。