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2024-02-09 02:38:17
美  英
n.  希纳语(北克什米尔吉尔吉特地区的达尔德语)


  1. a Dardic language spoken in northern Kashmir


  1. Guo Shina goes back say: "Everybody! 郭士纳回去说:“各位!
  2. I have a daughter. She is a shina nue. I love her so much. 我有个女儿.
  3. Guo Shina had created a miracle in IBM, and the Sam Palmisano that is about to replace him wants to score a success, must work so that mix he is euqally outstanding. 郭士纳已经在IBM创造了一个奇迹,而即将接替他的Sam Palmisano要想获得成功,必须干得和他一样出色。
  4. A world stage to shina! 闪耀世界的舞台!
  5. Shina Ringo ? 什麽样的谱 ?
  6. Thaksin Shina watra, Prime Minister of Thailand as well as a league of the business leaders and politicians from many countries further confirmed the reputation of Ruoy Chai Manor. 在庄园开业至今不长的时间里,包括泰王国总理他信等贵宾的来访,各界精英会员的加盟,进一布印证了华彬庄园超凡卓越的品位和地位。