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2024-02-09 03:13:17
美[ʃɪpəbl]  英[ʃɪpəbl]
adj.  可装运的(便于船运的)


  1. Confirm the check-in result in SAP for shippable items, feedback to Order Manager for delivery arrangement. 确认可发货项在SAP中的成品入库,反馈给订单经理安排发货。
  2. Packing: One printed (4 color process printing) header card per pair, 12 pairs per box (shippable), 120 pairs per carton. 包装要求:每双需有尼龙袋包装加四色彩印吊卡,12双/内盒,120双/外箱。
  3. JVC: I worked on the initial design for Heroes IV, then when things started to go awry (too many cooks in the kitchen), I had to help finish the game and get it into a shippable state. JVC:我只做了一些英雄无敌四的初始设计,但是后来事情开始不对路时(人多误事),我不得不帮他们把游戏完成到一个可以发售的程度。
  4. To an outsider all appears busy enough.A baler noisily crushes steel into easily shippable cubes; 路人看来似乎场内忙碌依旧,打包机轰隆的运转着,不停的处理着废钢材以方便运输;
  5. 2. Packing: One printed (4 color process printing) header card per pair, 12 pairs per box (shippable), 120 pairs per carton. 包装要求:每双需有尼龙袋包装加四色彩印吊卡,12双/内盒,120双/外箱。