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2024-02-09 03:19:16
美[ʃɪpˌweɪ]  英[ʃɪpweɪ]
n.  造船台


  1. structure consisting of a sloping way down to the water from the place where ships are built or repaired
  2. a canal large enough for seagoing vessels


  1. The distribution of force between the stem and the shipway and its effect on the structure are calcuat-ed and analysed to establish the typical distribution forms during stem floating. 对大型船船台下水时艏部所受墩木支反力的分布形式及不同分布形式对结构的影响作了计算分析.;通过分析实船下水资料;得出艉浮中期典型的受力分布形式
  2. Frank Shipway Budapest Festival Orchestra 布达佩斯节庆管弦乐团
  3. Example of letting a V-bottom ship up to shipway with air-bag V形底船利用气囊上排实例
  4. N. Zarrinfara, P. H. Shipway, , a, A. R. Kennedya and A. Saidib a Advanced Materials Group, Scho 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容
  5. dry shipway 干式船台
  6. "Shipway Mai" “麦船台”