2024-02-09 03:37:16
n. 衬衣下摆;附注
adj. 非常年轻的;没什么价值的
- a brief addendum at the end of a newspaper article
- fabric forming the tail of a shirt
- He pushed his shirttail behind it to ease the rubbing. 他将衣服的下摆塞在这手稿下面,减少手稿对他身体的摩擦。
- Diamond replies: "True, I did not cheat you, we can be shirttail kin! 钻石回答:“真的,我没骗你们,我们可是远房亲戚呢!
- "Oh, this is really nice," hed say, pointing out the button-down collar or extra-long shirttail. “噢,太好看了,”他一边说一边用手指着衬衫领子或额外长出的衬衫下摆。
- Cuckoo say: "They are the shirttail kin of my home!"They are the shirttail kin of my home!! 布谷鸟儿说:“它们是我家的远房亲戚呀!”
- If you dont have a personal smoke hood, moisten a handkerchief, headrest cover or shirttail, so if theres smoke after impact, you can hold it over your mouth. 如没有烟雾罩,把手帕,衬衫下摆或头枕的枕套弄湿。坠机之后如有浓烟,用它掩住嘴。
- She was barefoot, wearing jeans and a faded blue workshirt with the sleeves rolled up, shirttail out. Her long black hair was fastened up by a tortoiseshell comb her father had given her when she left the old country. 她赤着脚,穿着牛仔裤和一件褪了色的蓝工作服,袖子高高卷起,衣摆放在裤子外面,长发用一只玳瑁梳子别起,那梳子还是她离开故国时父亲给她的。