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2024-02-09 03:38:17
美[ʃɜːtˌweɪst]  英[ʃɜːtweɪst]
n.  女人的衬衫


  1. a blouse with buttons down the front;

    "in Britain they call a shirtwaist a shirtwaister"


  1. His wife asked him to purchase a shirtwaist for her while in New York. 他的太太叫他去纽约时给她买件衫裙。
  2. On her white shirtwaist was a pleated jabot of cheap lace, caught with a large novelty pin of imitation coral. 她的白罩衫前面缀着蕾丝做的百褶边,被一枚夸张的仿珊瑚大别针束住。
  3. Over the shirtwaist was a natty jacket, elbow-sleeved, and to the elbows she wore gloves of imitation suede. 罩衫外是一件整洁利落的夹克衫,袖子只到肘部,袖子下面她戴着一副仿小羊皮的手套。
  4. Miss Martha leaned weakly against the showcase, one hand on her best blue-dotted silk shirtwaist as the pipe-smoking stranger gripped the shouting customer by the collar. 玛莎小姐虚弱无力地倚靠在橱窗上,一只手放在她最得意的蓝点真丝背心上。这时,那个叼着烟斗的陌生人一把抓住那个大喊大叫的顾客的衣领。
  5. She wore the skirt of this with a white shirtwaist, and a sailor hat with a white veil wound around it in such fashion that it could be easily drawn over her face. 裙子上头用一件白色的系带紧身罩着,头上戴一顶水手帽子,四周镶着一圈白色的面纱,可以随时放下来蒙脸。
  6. Michaelis and this man reached her first, but when they had torn open her shirtwaist, still damp with perspiration, they saw that her left breast was swinging loose like a flap, and there was no need to listen for the heart beneath. 米切里斯和这个人最先赶到她身旁,但等他们把她汗湿的衬衣撕开时,他们看见她左边的乳房已经松松地耷拉着,因此也不用再去听那下面的心脏了。