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2024-02-09 03:57:16
美  英
n.  舰船航向指点标(简谐运动)


  1. Phase is important quantity for describing SHM. 相位是描述简谐振动的重要的物理量。
  2. The structural damage detection technology is the basis of SHM. 结构损伤检测技术是结构健康监测的基础。
  3. SHM , integrating application-level multicast with IP multicast, is designed. . 可扩展混合组播协议(SHM)结合了应用层组播和IP组播两者的优点设计而成。
  4. The basic approach and operation framework for SHM in China are suggested. 在此基础上,结合中国实际,探讨了我国住房抵押贷款证券化的基本思路和操作框架。
  5. Then, we have done some simulation experiment to illustrate the efficacy and performance of SHM with OPNET Modeler referring to CERNET Backbone. 为了评估SHM协议的性能与效率,本文采用OPNET仿真软件,按照其仿真流程分别从网络模型、节点模型和进程模型对SHM进行了建模,并参照CERNET主干网拓扑进行了仿真模拟实验。
  6. The coronary microcirculation dysfunction happened at 60 min after coronary stenosis in SHM model. SHM模型相关冠脉重度狭窄60min时发生冠脉微循环功能障碍。