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2024-02-09 06:22:17
美[ʃoʊˌstɒpə]  英[ʃəʊˌstɒpə]
n.  因特别精彩而被掌声打断的人或表演;特别受欢迎的事物;令人赞叹的事物


  1. an act so striking or impressive that the show must be delayed until the audience quiets down
  2. something that is strikingly attractive or has great popular appeal;

    "she has a show-stopper of a smile" "the brilliant orange flowers against the green foliage were a showstopper"


  1. The painting was the showstopper of the exhibition. 这幅画在所有展品中特别引人注目。
  2. A showstopper would require a major redesign of the airplane. 突出的问题将要求进行飞机主体的重新设计。
  3. I also have no doubt that this amp will be a showstopper. 如我想象,这个放大器能很好地表现出不同电源线的分别。
  4. The brilliant orange flowers against the green foliage were a showstopper. 那些在绿叶映衬下的亮橙色花朵非常漂亮。
  5. His current discography includes: "The Popera E.P" and "Showstopper". 他目前的唱片包括:"poperae.;p"和"showstopper"
  6. It would be a showstopper if Obama made China his first presidential trip abroad and brought top officials. 假如奥巴马带领高官的海外之行第一站是中国的话,那可真算得上是一场“顶尖秀”。