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2024-02-09 06:53:16
美[shrɪŋkprʊf]  英[shrɪŋkprʊf]
adj.  防缩的;不收缩的


  1. In addition,it is used to Industrial bleaching, and wool shrinkproof. 也可用于工业漂白,羊毛防缩。
  2. The paper focused on the effect of LTP treatment on dyeing and shrinkproof behaviour. 重点论述了LTP技术对羊毛纤维的染色性能和防毡缩性能的影响。
  3. The color difference of original and treated worsted fabrics with silicone shrinkproof resins was researched. 研究了精纺纯毛织物在应用有机硅防缩剂处理后的色差变化,应用色度学理论对色差的原因进行了分析。
  4. Various specifications of top, top mercerizing shrinkproof processing according to demand. 各种规格毛条、丝光防缩毛条可根据需求来料加工。
  5. At present, my factory mercerizing shrinkproof tops reached an annual production capacity of 5000 tons. 目前,我厂的丝光防缩毛条年生产能力达到了5000吨。
  6. Silicone resin its functionality in addition to the shrinkproof hole, and leveling, anti-floating, antiblowing paint. 无机硅树脂类其功用除了不攻缩孔,还有不源平、抗浮色不收花、消泡的息用。