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2024-02-09 06:54:17
美[ʃraɪv]  英[ʃraɪv]
vt.  听忏悔
vi.  听忏悔后赦免
  名词:shriver  过去式:shrove/shrived  过去分词:shriven/shrived  现在分词:shriving  第三人称单数:shrives


  1. 听取忏悔而赦免其罪
  2. 去忏悔
  3. 忏悔赎罪
  4. 听…忏悔
  5. 使…忏悔赎罪


  1. grant remission of a sin to;

    "The priest absolved him and told him to say ten Hail Marys"


  1. You must understand that and shrive for balance in your life . 你必须明白这点,并且要努力在生活中平衡它们。
  2. A hundred years later in order to declare him a saint,a bishop planned to have the body moved to a shrive inside the church to honor his memory. 在他死后一百年,一位大主教为了宣布斯韦辛为圣徒,想把他的尸骨迁移到教堂的佛殿内,以示纪念。
  3. A hundred years later in order to declare him a saint, a bishop planned to have the body moved to a shrive inside the church to honor his memory. 在他死后一百年,一位大主教为了宣布斯韦辛为圣徒,想把他的尸骨迁移到教堂的佛殿内,以示纪念。
  4. To the voice that will shrive and oil for the grave all there is of her but her womans unclean loins, of mans flesh made not in Gods likeness, the serpents prey. 也朝那个听她忏悔,赦免她的罪愆,并且除了妇女那不洁净的腰部外,为她浑身涂油以便送她进坟墓的嗓门[68]低头,而妇女是从男人的身上取出来的,却不是照神的形象造的,她成了蛇的牺牲品。
  5. Mahmoud M, Taha , Shrive N G. New concrete anchors for carbon fiber - reinforced polymer post - tensioning tendons[J ] . ACI Structural Journal. 2003 , 100(1) . 张耀庭;邱继生;黄恒卫.;体外预应力混凝土梁的研究现状综述[J]
  6. shrive oneself 以忏悔赎罪