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2024-02-09 07:06:16
美[ʃtetl]  英[ʃtetl]
n.  (尤指第二次世界大战前东欧的)犹太人小村(或小镇)
sp.  (复)shtetls或shtetlach.


  1. Joke: A poor Jew lived in the shtetl in 19th century Russia. A Cossack comes up to him on horseback. 笑话一则:一位穷苦的犹太人住在19世纪俄国的犹太村庄里,这天,一位骑着马的哥萨克骑兵来到他的身边。
  2. His works deal with the conflict between the traditional Jewish life and language and the modern world.They also attempt to recapture the fading traditions of the European shtetl (village). 他的作品体现了传统犹太生活和语言与现代世界的矛盾、试图再现正在消失的欧洲乡村传统文化。