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2024-02-09 07:28:17
美[ʃʌt]  英[ʃʌt]
v.  关闭;合拢;停止
adj.  关闭的;停止营业的
n.  关闭
  过去式:shut  过去分词:shut  现在分词:shutting  第三人称单数:shuts


  1. 关闭
  2. 关上
  3. 关门
  4. 闭上
  5. 闭嘴
  6. 住口
  7. 隐藏
  8. 打烊
  9. 停业
  10. 关张
  11. 倒闭
  12. 把…关起来
  13. 禁闭
  14. 使停止营业
  15. 夹住
  16. 夹进
  17. 合拢
  18. 把…关在门外
  19. 排斥
  20. 关进
  21. 围进
  22. 封闭
  23. 封锁
  24. 停止开放
  25. 把…关住
  26. 摺起
  27. 合上
  28. 把…关住
  29. 折起
  30. 停止营业
  31. 闭合
  1. 关闭的
  2. 紧闭的
  3. 声音低沉的
  4. 闭锁音的
  5. 合拢的
  6. 关紧的
  7. 闭音节的
  1. 焊缝
  2. 关闭的时间
  3. 闭锁
  4. 终止
  5. 完结
  6. 焊接缝
  7. 【语音】闭锁音
  8. 【机】冷塞
  9. 封闭


  1. vt. & vi. 关,关上 close; close sth


  1. not open;

    "the door slammed shut"

  2. used especially of mouth or eyes;

    "he sat quietly with closed eyes" "his eyes were shut against the sunlight"

  1. move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut;

    "Close the door" "shut the window"

  2. become closed;

    "The windows closed with a loud bang"

  3. prevent from entering; shut out;

    "The trees were shutting out all sunlight" "This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country"


  1. shut a cottage关闭乡村别墅
  2. shut ones ears to充耳不闻
  3. shut ones eyes to视而不见
  4. shut ones mind to死不答应
  5. shut sbs clothes把衣服夹在门中
  6. shut the box关盒子
  7. shut the door〔gate〕关门
  8. shut the shop关店
  9. shut the windows关窗子
  1. shut abruptly突然地关上
  2. shut cautiously小心地关上
  3. shut clamorously砰砰响地关上
  4. shut easily轻易地合上
  5. shut heavily重重地关上
  6. shut impatiently不耐烦地关上
  7. shut lightly轻轻地关上
  8. shut mysteriously神秘地合上
  9. shut obligingly乐于助人地关上
  10. shut slowly缓慢地关上
  11. shut stealthily悄悄地合上
  12. shut suddenly突然关上
  13. shut away把…关起来,隔离
  14. shut him away from them把他和他们隔开
  15. shut down降临,关起来,关上,使停止
  16. shut down a factory关闭工厂
  17. shut off (from)关掉,截断,停止…的活动,使隔绝
  18. shut off the road from ordinary traffic禁止一般车辆沿此路通行
  19. shut oneself off from the world与世隔绝
  20. shut out把…关在外面,挡住,遮住,排斥
  21. shut out the dog别让狗进来
  22. shut out the light遮住光线
  23. shut up关上,关闭,保藏,监禁,闭口不语
  24. shut sb up in prison把某人送进监牢
  25. shut up shop关店,打烊
  26. shut up the valuables in a safe把贵重物品藏在保险箱中
  1. shut the door against sb不准某人进门,给某人吃闭门羹
  2. shut behind顺手关上
  3. shut the door behind you随手把门关上
  4. shut sb from circle把…排斥在圈子之外
  5. shut in关闭,禁闭,封闭,夹住
  6. shut oneself in ones room to think关在屋里思考问题
  7. shut on对…关上
  8. shut the door on sb把某人拒于门外,给某人吃闭门羹
  9. shut to关上(某物),闭上(眼)
  10. shut ones ears to all advice不听任何劝告
  11. shut ears to all appeals for help对于一切求助的呼声都充耳不闻
  12. shut ones eyes to the facts闭眼不看事实
  13. shut with用…方式关上
  14. shut sb within the walls把某人关在屋内


  1. Please shut the door behind you.请关上你身后的门。
  2. The office will shut down for christmas.圣诞节办公室将关闭。
  3. He decided to shut down the shop.他决定关闭这家商店。
  4. He shut himself away for a month to catch up on his academic work.他与世隔绝一个月,力图把功课赶上去。
  5. Her mouth opened and shut, but no sound came out.她的嘴张开又闭上了,没有发出声音。
  6. He shut his eyes to her faults.他对她的缺点视而不见。
  7. Some coal-mines had to shut down.有些煤矿不得不关闭。
  8. Business is not good. Hell have to shut the shop.生意不好,他只得打算停业。
  1. She heard the bedroom window blow shut.她听见卧室的窗户被风刮关了。
  2. With the door shut, rhe room was hot and humid.门是关闭的,所以房间里又热又潮。
  3. Keep your mouth shut.闭上你的嘴。
  4. Are all the bars shut in this town?这个城镇里所有的酒吧都停止营业了吗?
  1. The jaws snap shut to take a sample.铁爪急速关闭以抓取样品。
  2. Some coal-mines had to shut down.有些煤矿不得不关闭。


    shut的基本意思是“关”“关上”,指(使)由开着的状态变为关闭的状态,即把敞开的东西合起来或关上。强调关闭的动作、过程及采取的方法。引申可表示“夹住”。 shut用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接由形容词、副词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式常含有被动意义。 shut的过去式和过去分词均为shut


  1. 请关掉收音机,孩子入睡了。

    Please shut off the radio.The child has gone to sleep.

    Please turn off the radio.The child has gone to sleep.

    shut的意思是“把敞开着的东西合或关起来”,当表示“把…的开关关掉”时,不可用shut off,而用turn off。


    The water was shut for several hours while the pipes were being repaired.

    The water was shut off for several hours while the pipes were being repaired.

    shut作“关掉”解时,宾语通常是门、窗等可以打开的东西; 当表示“关上”“堵住”水、气等时,应该用shut off。


    The window is shut easily.

    The window shuts easily.


    The shop will not be shut until 9 p.m.

    The shop will not shut until 9 p.m.
