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2024-02-09 07:56:16
美[saɪælɪdeɪz]  英[saɪælɪdeɪz]
n.  [生化]唾液酸酶


  1. Objective To investigate the feasibility of reagent kits of sialidase test in the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis(BV). 目的:探讨唾液酸酶法快速检测试剂盒在细菌性阴道病诊断中的应用价值。
  2. Objective To investigate the value of the sialidase activity of vaginal secretions in bacterial vaginosis diagnosis. 目的探讨测定阴道分泌物唾液酸酶活性对诊断细菌性阴道病的价值。
  3. Methods Fungus, trichomonad, germs, anaerobic bacteria Gardinerella was detected for sialidase by chemical reaction;Gold colloid method was adopted to detect the antigen of chlamydia trachomatis. 方法真菌、滴虫、各种细菌、厌氧菌、支原体采用体外培养和生化反应的方法进行培养和鉴定,加德纳菌采用化学反应的方法检测唾液酸酶,沙眼衣原体采用金标法检测其抗原。
  4. Ganglioside sialidase deficiency 神经节苷唾液酸酶缺乏
  5. Keywords sialic acid derivatives;sulfation;sialidase activity; 唾液酸衍生物;硫酸酯化;唾液酸酶活性;
  6. Keywords prostate cancer cell line PC 3M;sialidase activity;gene expression; 前列腺癌细胞株PC-3M;唾液酸酶活性;基因表达;