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2024-02-09 08:07:16
美[siːəˌmæg]  英[siːəmæg]
n.  [动]合趾猴( 产于马来半岛及苏门答腊)


  1. large black gibbon of Sumatra having the 2nd and 3rd toes partially united by a web


  1. Renovation of the siamang enclosure and refurbishment of the old circular toilet near the main entrance are progressing well. 现时,合趾猿笼舍的修葺工程及正门入口附近的旧圆形厕所的翻新工程进展良好。
  2. A tiny baby siamang (a type of gibbon) sprawls on his mothers stomach at Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa, Florida. 一只合趾猴(长臂猿的一种)躺在妈妈的肚子上,好舒服呀!
  3. 9.Renovation of the siamang enclosure and refurbishment of the old circular toilet near the main entrance are progressing well. 现时,合趾猿笼舍的修葺工程及正门入口附近的旧圆形厕所的翻新工程进展良好。
  4. A 2-day-old Siamang yawned as its mother held it at the Central Zoo in Kathmandu, Nepal, Thursday. (Deepa Shrestha/Reuters 周四在尼泊尔加德满都的中央动物园,一只刚出生两天的合趾猿在妈妈怀中打哈欠。