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2024-02-09 08:19:17
美  英
sp.  诗巫[马来西亚沙捞越西部港市](或译西布)


  1. No.6A, Jalan Belibas,Sibu, Sarawak, East Malaysia. 是马来西亚东马区诗巫的地址。
  2. United Chinese Association, Sibu Division. 诗巫省华人社团联合会.
  3. People to illnesses and physical, longevity, the need to Sibu. 人要祛病强身,延年益寿,需要食补。
  4. Its general use of cloth gunnysack cloth, crinoline or steel Sibu replaced. 它的底布一般用麻袋布、衬布或钢丝布代替。
  5. The Food and Drug light weight is unscientific, drugs make up less Sibu. 重药物轻食物是不科学的,药补不如食补。
  6. "However, the whip carried out ate animal Sibu also treated differently. “不过,吃动物鞭进行食补也需区别对待。”