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2024-02-09 08:32:16
美[sɪk]  英[sɪk]
adj.  有病的;恶心的;腻烦的;晕的;令人毛骨悚然的
n.  病人;呕吐物
vt.  追逐;攻击;唆使
  比较级:sicker  最高级:sickest


  1. (有)病的,患病的
  2. 心烦意乱的,很不愉快的
  3. 病人的
  4. 病态的,有病容的
  5. 没生气的,苍白的,不健康的
  6. <口>令人毛骨悚然的,可怕的
  7. 恶心的,想呕吐的
  8. 渴望的
  9. 对…厌烦的,厌恶的
  10. 对…失望的
  11. 对…恼怒的
  12. 残酷的
  1. 病人
  2. 患者
  3. <口>呕吐物
  1. 唆使攻击,嗾使去咬,使狗去攻击
  2. 猛攻,攻击
  3. 追击,追逐
  4. 促使做
  5. 吐出,呕吐


  1. 有病的,患病的 physically or mentally unwell; ill
  2. [P] 恶心的,想吐的 likely to vomit; nauseous
  3. 腻烦的,厌恶的 bored with sb/sth
  4. [P] 心烦意乱的,恼火的 distressed or disgusted
  1. [U] 呕吐物 vomit


  1. people who are sick;

    "they devote their lives to caring for the sick"

  1. affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function;

    "ill from the monotony of his suffering"

  2. feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit
  3. affected with madness or insanity;

    "a man who had gone mad"

  4. having a strong distaste from surfeit;

    "grew more and more disgusted" "fed up with their complaints" "sick of it all" "sick to death of flattery" "gossip that makes one sick" "tired of the noise and smoke"

  5. (of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble;

    "the pale light of a half moon" "a pale sun" "the late afternoon light coming through the el tracks fell in pale oblongs on the street" "a pallid sky" "the pale (or wan) stars" "the wan light of dawn"

  6. deeply affected by a strong feeling;

    "sat completely still, sick with envy" "she was sick with longing"

  7. shockingly repellent; inspiring horror;

    "ghastly wounds" "the grim aftermath of the bombing" "the grim task of burying the victims" "a grisly murder" "gruesome evidence of human sacrifice" "macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages" "macabre tortures conceived by madmen"

  1. eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth;

    "After drinking too much, the students vomited" "He purged continuously" "The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night"


  1. sick look病容
  2. sick mother生病的母亲
  3. sick smell令人作呕的气味
  4. sick benefit病假津贴
  5. sick leave病假
  1. heal the sick治愈病人
  2. nurse the sick护理病人
  3. visit the sick探望病人
  1. sick about对…很不愉快
  2. sick at对…不愉快
  3. sick at failing the examination为考试未能及格而不快
  4. sick at heart忧心忡忡
  5. sick for渴望,想望
  6. sick for ones home想家
  7. sick in the car晕车
  8. sick of得…病,厌恶…的
  9. sick of a fever发烧
  10. sick of lies厌恶说谎
  11. sick of waiting等得不耐烦
  12. sick to ones stomach恶心的,作呕
  13. sick with患…病,(对)感到不快〔懊丧〕
  14. sick with flu患流行性感冒
  15. sick with sb for being so late怪某人来得太迟
  1. full of sick充满呕吐物


  1. He fell sick with malaria on a trip to Africa.他在去非洲时患了疟疾。
  2. He put a maid in to look after his sick wife.他雇了1名女仆来照顾她的病妻。
  3. Youll be sick if you eat any more of that candy.如果你再吃那种糖果,就会感到恶心的。
  4. Im sick of waiting around like this.我讨厌透了像这样在一旁等著。
  5. I was sick in the car yesterday.昨天我晕车了。
  1. The sick need special care.病人需要特别护理。
  2. The basin was full of sick.盆里全是吐的东西.
  1. Sickem!咬他们!
  2. He sicked a dog on the thief.他纵狗去咬小偷。
  3. If you need something done, Ill sick him on it.如果你需要办什么事,我叫他去干。


    sick的基本意思是“有病的”,在英式英语中只用作表语,而在美式英语中则既可用作表语,也可用作定语,常用于修饰人,偶尔也用于修饰事物如sick leave(病假)。 sick有时可指与“呕吐”有关的具体症状,如“恶心的,想吐的”。用于比喻可指“讨厌的”“渴望的”“心烦意乱的,恼火的”等。作“腻烦的,厌恶的”解时,常后接介词of。 sick不受heavily修饰,表示“病重”,可用seriously。 sick的比较级是sicker,最高级是sickest。
    sick用作名词的基本意思是“呕吐物”,一般用于口语中,是不可数名词。 sick前常加定冠词the表示“病人”,为总称,在句中作主语时,其谓语动词通常用复数形式。


  1. 她心里烦闷。

    She is sick in heart.

    She is sick at heart.

    表示“心里烦闷”通常用固定短语be sick at heart表示,其中的介词at不能改为in。


    Im sick at winter; why doesnt spring come?

    Im sick of winter; why doesnt spring come?

    表示“讨厌或厌烦…”须用be sick of sb/sth 结构,其中的介词of不能改为at。