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2024-02-09 08:37:17
美[sɪkɪʃ]  英[sɪkɪʃ]
adj.  多病的;像是要吐的
  副词:sickishly  名词:sickishness


  1. feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit


  1. The light glares like burning sulfur and there is the sweet, sickish stench of a room which is never ventilated. 灯光像正在燃烧的硫磺一样耀眼,屋里充满从未通过风的房子里的那种又亲切又难闻的恶臭味。
  2. Bathroom door is rushing relatively with bedroom door, advocate the person that live is sickish. 厕所门不可与卧室门正冲相对正冲,主住者多病。
  3. Sickish model: Him since of bang up body loss, also give collective incommode, this matter never treats sth lightly. 多病型:弄坏身体既是自己的损失,也给集体添麻烦,此事千万不可掉以轻心。
  4. Last year unit disintegrate, did not have fixed job, add a wife sickish, the life is very difficult. 去年单位解体,没了固定工作,加上妻子多病,生活非常困难。
  5. Now 70 years old, aged and sickish, already was the person of have one foot in the grave, lost labor ability, without income of a bit economy. 现在70岁了,年老多病,已是风烛残年之人,丧失了劳动能力,没有一点经济收入。
  6. The hospitals stank of gangrene, the odor assaulting her nostrils long before the doors were reached, a sickish sweet smell that clung to her hands and hair and haunted her in her dreams. 他们臭气熏天,医院里充满了坏疽的臭味,她还没有进门就感到一股恶臭气扑鼻而来,同时还有一种令人头晕的香气粘留在她的手上和头发上,连夜里做梦时也常常出现。