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2024-02-09 08:53:17
美[saɪdbɑːr]  英[saɪdbɑː(r)]
n.  补充报道;花絮新闻;法官与即将受审案件的律师间的会晤


  1. (law) a courtroom conference between the lawyers and the judge that is held out of the jurys hearing
  2. a short news story presenting sidelights on a major story


  1. Click on the left sidebar to view my photo albums. 左边相册目录里面是我的全部相册,欢迎点击查看.
  2. There is no sidebar gadget control in system tray. 没有单独的侧边栏小工具控制盘。
  3. Now place the RSS icon on the sidebars top left. 现在发生的RSS图标栏的左上角。
  4. How can I make my sidebar worst? 如何使我的工具栏(侧边栏)糟糕透顶呢?
  5. Questions like, "My sidebar looks bad. 问题像,"我的工具条看起来很差。
  6. You can add it to the sidebar of a Finder window for easy access. 您可以将其添加到Finder窗口的工具条中,以便于访问。