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2024-02-09 09:02:17
美[saɪdˌhɪl]  英[saɪdhɪl]
n.  山坡
adj.  山坡上的


  1. Bi-layer grounding networks are designed for sidehill substation. 对垫土层地带的变电所,提出双层地网的设计方案;
  2. The influence factors of slope stability of sidehill cut were elaborated,and the feasibility of protecting slope stabilization was discussed,which can provide reference for other mines. 阐述了山坡型露天开采边坡稳定的影响因素,并对保持边坡稳定的可行性进行了探讨,可供露天开采矿山参考。
  3. north sidehill of Nalati shan-Haerlik shan 那拉提山-哈尔克山北坡
  4. Keywords Sidehill open-pit;Trough open-pit;New level preparation; 山坡露天;凹陷露天;新水平准备;
  5. Differential Settlement Control of Sidehill Buildings in Granite Region 花岗岩地区山前建筑的差异沉降控制
  6. the sidehill have much insect was hens foods and grass was rabbits foods. 山坡上的昆虫是鸡的食物;草是兔子的食物.