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2024-02-09 09:19:16
美[ˌsɪdəroʊsɪs]  英[sɪdərəʊsɪs]
n.  肺铁末沉着症


  1. fibrosis of the lung caused by iron dust; occurs among welders and other metal workers


  1. Report a case of siderosis bulbi without definite ocular injury history. 摘要报告一无明显外伤史之眼球铁质沈着症病例。
  2. The possible mechanisms of cellular damages in ocular siderosis will also be discussed. 同时讨论到眼球内含铁异物造成组识变性之可能原因。
  3. Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics and pathogenesis of ocular siderosis. 摘要目的探讨眼铁质沉着症的临床表现和发病机制。
  4. Results: The data of UBM showed deposition of rust in different tissues of eye-balls in the 16 cases of siderosis. 结果:16例眼铁质沉着症患者UBM检查均显示不同组织的铁锈沉着。
  5. Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics and postoperative results of ocular siderosis. 目的探讨眼铁质沉着症的临床特点及手术效果。
  6. The protective effect of ferulic acid and/otetramethylpyrazine against retinal ischaemia, glaucoma, and siderosis oculi. (under review). 阿魏酸和川芎秦之神经保护:网膜缺血、实验性青光眼、眼内铁毒性(送审)。