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2024-02-09 09:24:16
美[saɪdˌslɪp]  英[saɪdslɪp]
v.  侧滑;横滑下
n.  侧滑
  过去式:sideslipped  过去分词:sideslipped  现在分词:sideslipping  第三人称单数:sideslips


  1. (使)侧滑
  2. (使)横滑
  3. 横滑,滑向一边
  4. 飞机侧滑
  1. 侧滑
  2. 横滑下
  3. 私生子
  4. 沿横轴方向运动
  5. 一边
  6. 横移
  7. 滑向
  8. 傍枝


  1. an unexpected slide
  2. a flight maneuver; aircraft slides sideways in the air


  1. Its a turn driven on the edge, without any sideslip. 这是一个反过来驱动的边缘,没有任何侧滑。
  2. In most flight conditions it is desired to maintain the sideslip angle equal to zero. 大多数飞行状态都要求保持侧滑角等于零。
  3. Both the sideslip angle and the rudder angle are seen to be very much dependent on the angle of climb. 人们可以看到,侧滑角和方向舵偏角都在很大程度上依赖于爬升角。
  4. The sideslip of highway subgrade consists of a serious menace to the construction and working of the highway. 公路路基侧滑失稳对公路建设和运营安全构成严重威胁,而且具有突发性,危险极大。
  5. This paper describes a method of angle of sideslip calibration using a fuzzy neural network model. 叙述了一种利用模糊神经网络模型来校正侧滑角的方法。
  6. In the controller,the assisted motor angle is controlled by the feedback of yaw rate and the sideslip angle. 并以转向盘转角、横摆角速度和侧偏角为优化目标,设计了线性二次型调节器控制。