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2024-02-09 10:17:17
美[sɪgɪnt]  英[sɪgɪnt]
n.  信号情报;通信情报(指对无线电信号监听、 截获和破译获得的情报)


  1. intelligence information gathered from communications intelligence or electronics intelligence or telemetry intelligence


  1. Sigint: Once the timers set, youve got 20 minutes until it explodes, right? 一旦计时启动,离爆炸就只有20分钟时间对吧?
  2. Sigint: The C3 charges all have to go off at once if you want to bring down the hangar in one fell swoop. 如果你想一下子把整个机棚炸掉,就得让所有的C3同时起爆。
  3. Sigint: I sure hope not. Otherwise the whole mission is shot. We' re counting on you, pal. 我也希望不是。任务所剩时间不多,我们全靠你了,活计。
  4. China maintains the most extensive SIGINT network of all the countries in the Asia-Pacific region. 中国拥有亚洲太平洋地区最大规模的信号监听网络。
  5. Sigint: Yo. I finished checking up on this Sorrow guy a while ago. Thought you guys already knew, though. 我刚才把这家伙查了个底朝天,不过我想都是你们已经知道的。
  6. China also is interested in electronic intelligence (ELINT) or signals intelligence (SIGINT) reconnaissance satellites. 中国也对电子情报或者信号情报侦察卫星感兴趣。