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2024-02-09 11:23:16
美[saɪləns]  英[saɪləns]
n.  沉默;寂静
vt.  使安静;使沉默
  过去式:silenced  过去分词:silenced  现在分词:silencing  第三人称单数:silences


  1. 沉默,缄默,默不作声
  2. 寂静,无声
  3. 无音讯,无联系
  4. 无表示
  5. 湮没
  6. 忘却
  7. 静默,默哀
  8. 不提,不谈
  9. 无音讯期间
  10. 沉静,肃静
  11. 【音】停止
  1. 堵住...的嘴,把...说得无话可对
  2. 使沉默,使安静,使缄默,使哑口无言
  3. 使停止,止住
  4. 闭嘴
  5. 抑制,压制,压倒
  6. 消灭(噪音)
  7. 使不再发表(反对意见)
  8. 安静,静下来
  9. 打哑


  1. [U] 寂静,无声 absence of sound; complete quiet
  2. [U] 沉默 the state of not speaking or making a noise
  3. [U] 无音信,失去联系 failure to write a letter, to telephone, etc.
  4. [C] 寂静时刻,期间 a moment or period of any of these conditions
  1. vt. 使安静; 使沉默 cause to be quiet; make silent


  1. the state of being silent (as when no one is speaking);

    "there was a shocked silence" "he gestured for silence"

  2. the absence of sound;

    "he needed silence in order to sleep" "the street was quiet"

  3. a refusal to speak when expected;

    "his silence about my contribution was surprising"

  4. the trait of keeping things secret
  1. cause to be quiet or not talk;

    "Please silence the children in the church!"

  2. keep from expression, for example by threats or pressure;

    "All dissenters were silenced when the dictator assumed power"


  1. break a silence打破沉默
  2. buy sbs silence用贿赂封某人的口
  3. interrupt a silence打破沉默
  4. keep silence保持沉默
  5. maintain silence保持沉默
  6. observe a silence保持静默
  7. observe three minutes silence默哀三分钟
  8. pass into silence湮没在无声无息中
  9. purchase sbs silence用贿赂堵住某人的口
  10. put sb to silence驳得某人哑口无言
  11. retreat into ones silence沉默不语
  12. treasure silence珍视沉默
  13. understand a silence理解沉静的意思〔态度〕
  1. absolute silence绝对的沉默
  2. angry silence愤怒的沉默
  3. awful silence可怕的寂静
  4. awkward silence尴尬的沉默
  5. brief silence短暂的沉默
  6. complete silence完全沉静
  7. dead silence死一般的寂静
  8. deep silence寂静
  9. long silence长时间的沉默
  10. perfect silence完全的沉默
  11. short silence短暂的沉默
  12. strict silence严格的沉默
  13. total silence完全沉默
  1. radio silence无线电寂静
  1. in silence沉默地,无声地
  2. listen to sb in silence默默地听某人讲
  3. pass a matter with silence对某事置之不理
  1. silence between…之间默默无言
  2. silence of midnight子夜的寂静
  3. silence on recent events对近来发生的事保持沉默
  1. silence crowd使人群安静下来
  2. silence the children使孩子们安静下来
  1. silence awkwardly尴尬地沉默
  2. silence completely完全沉默
  3. silence discreetly慎重地沉默
  4. silence effectually有效地沉默
  5. silence grimly阴森地沉默
  6. silence horribly可怕地沉默
  7. silence incessantly持续不断地沉默
  8. silence momentarily顷刻地沉默
  9. silence mysteriously秘密地沉默
  10. silence painfully痛苦地沉默
  11. silence sarcastically嘲笑地沉默
  12. silence sincerely严肃地沉默
  13. silence sternly严肃地沉默
  14. silence terribly可怕地沉默
  15. silence unbearably难以忍受地沉默


  1. We interpreted his silence as a refusal.我们认为他的沉默是拒绝的表示。
  2. His forceful arguments reduced his opponents to silence.他那有力的论点驳得对手哑口无言。
  3. There was nothing but silence in the room.这间屋内声息全无,一片寂静。
  4. A terrible silence descended upon the whole hall.一阵可怕的寂静突然笼罩着整个厅堂。
  1. The teacher tried to silence the pupils.老师设法让学生们安静下来。
  2. The speaker tried to silence the angry crowd .讲话者试图使愤怒的人群安静下来。
  3. The enemys guns were silenced by repeated bombings.敌人的炮火因遭到轮番轰炸而沉寂了。


    silence用作名词的基本意思是“寂静”,指没有声音,很静,引申可指“沉默”,一般指人对某件事保持缄默,用沉默来表示其同意或不同意, silence还可引申作“无音信,失去联系”解。作以上解时是不可数名词。 silence还可作“寂静时刻,期间”解。常用来表示一段有具体内容的沉默的时间,作此解时是可数名词。
    silence用作动词时意思是“使沉默”,可指人使喧闹的场面安静下来,也可指人采取高压手段来压制某人的言论,这种结果有可能成功,也可能无效。 silence是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。