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2024-02-09 12:21:16
美[sɪlvən]  英[sɪlvən]
adj.  森林的(树木多的;乡村的;农村的)


  1. a spirit that lives in or frequents the woods
  1. relating to or characteristic of wooded regions;

    "a shady sylvan glade"


  1. And silvan green feels to person stability. 而森林的绿色则给人稳定感。
  2. This the conference discusses the new silvan law that pass. 这次会议审议通过的新的森林法。
  3. The silvan panorama of large area is OK express in detail from inside a chart. 大面积的森林全貌可以从一份图表中详尽地表示出来。
  4. Took step of a series of policy, law, protect and developed silvan resource. 采取了一系列政策、法律措施,保护和发展了森林资源。
  5. Although he loves a wife very much, dan Ning wishs to fish together with the friend, go silvan hut goes vacationing. 他虽然很爱妻子,但宁愿和朋友一起钓鱼,去森林小屋度假。
  6. Concerned expert thinks, development produces silvan vegetable, market prospect is capacious. 有关专家认为,开发生产森林蔬菜,市场前景广阔。