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2024-02-09 12:24:16
美[sɪlvər]  英[sɪlvə(r)]
n.  银币;银器;银;银灰色
adj.  银的;银色的
vt.  镀银于;使 ... 成银色
  过去式:silvered  过去分词:silvered  现在分词:silvering  第三人称单数:silvers


  1. 银币,硬币
  2. 银器
  3. 银牌,银质奖章
  4. 餐具
  5. 银灰色,银色,银白色
  6. 银丝,银边带
  7. 【摄】银盐
  8. 硝酸银
  9. 拱手(相让)
  1. 银的,银制的
  2. 镀银的
  3. 含银的
  4. 清脆悦耳的
  5. 口才流利的,雄辩的
  6. 第二十五周年的
  7. 像银的
  8. 银本位的
  9. 银白的,银色的,有银色光泽的,发银光的
  10. 银声的,清亮的
  11. 和平的
  12. 平静的,寂静的
  1. 镀银于,包银,涂银
  2. 使有银色光泽,发银光,使(某物)光亮如银
  3. 变成银色,变成银一样
  4. 变白
  5. 涂锡汞合金(在镜子等上)
  6. 【摄】涂硝酸银子
  7. 敷以似银之物, 给…镀似银的物质


  1. [U] 银 a soft whitish precious metal that is a simple substance, carries electricity very well, can be brightly polished, and is used in jewellery, coins, and knives, forks, etc.
  2. [U] 银币; 银餐具 coins made of silver or a similar metal, and not of copper; spoons, forks, dishes, etc.for the table, made of silver or a similar metal


  1. a soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal; occurs in argentite and in free form; used in coins and jewelry and tableware and photography
  2. coins made of silver
  3. a light shade of grey
  4. silverware eating utensils
  5. a trophy made of silver (or having the appearance of silver) that is usually awarded for winning second place in a competition
  1. made from or largely consisting of silver;

    "silver bracelets"

  2. having the white lustrous sheen of silver;

    "a land of silver (or silvern) rivers where the salmon leap" "repeated scrubbings have given the wood a silvery sheen"

  3. of lustrous grey; covered with or tinged with the color of silver;

    "silvery hair"

  4. expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively;

    "able to dazzle with his facile tongue" "silver speech"

  1. coat with a layer of silver or a silver amalgam;

    "silver the necklace"

  2. make silver in color;

    "Her worries had silvered her hair"

  3. turn silver;

    "The mans hair silvered very attractively"


  1. clean the silver擦银器
  2. have some silver带有银币
  3. pull silver掏出银币
  4. sell silver卖银器
  5. steal silver偷银器
  1. fine silver优质银
  2. native silver天然银
  3. pure silver纯银
  4. refined silver纯银
  5. solid silver纯银
  6. sterling silver标准纯银
  1. cat silver银云母
  2. nickel silver镍银
  3. table silver银餐具
  1. silver age银器时代
  1. be cast in silver用银铸造
  2. pay in silver付银币
  3. £5 in silver五英镑银币
  4. statue in silver银像
  5. white like silver像银一样白
  6. a handful of silver一把银币
  7. a pocket of silver一口袋银币


  1. He had some silver in his pocket.他口袋里有些银币。
  2. Acid had pitted the surface of the silver.酸把银器的表面腐蚀了。
  3. His black hair was threaded with silver.他的黑发中夹杂着银发。
  4. This board was cast in bronze not in silver.这个牌匾是铜铸的,不是银制的。
  5. This becomes silver gray, while I remember your handset was black.怎么变银灰色了,我记得你的手机是黑色的。
  6. You can recognize the genuine tape because of its silver grey color.你可以认出这种真正的带子,它是银灰色的。
  1. He found the chest to contain silver coins.他发现那囗箱子装着银币。
  2. She wore a silver chain around her neck.她脖子上戴着一条银项链。
  3. Every cloud has a silver lining.黑暗中总有一丝光明。
  4. There is not a silver hair on her head.她头上没有一根银发。
  1. He silvered a mirror.他给镜子镀上了一层银。
  2. The years have silvered her hair.岁月已使她的青丝似雪。


    silver的基本意思是“银”,指一种白色、质软、延展性强、导电、导热性好,化学性质稳定的金属, silver也可指用银制成的“钱币,银餐具”。是不可数名词。 silver可用于名词前作定语。