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2024-02-09 12:34:17
美[sɪlvəsaɪdz]  英[sɪlvəsaɪdz]
n.  银河鱼


  1. small fishes having a silver stripe along each side; abundant along the Atlantic coast of the United States
  2. the common North American shiner


  1. Photo Gallery: Underwater Landscapes Schools of silversides swim with a diver off western Grand Cayman. 水下风景开曼群岛西部,银鱼群与一名潜水员一起游泳。
  2. Silversides Fishes of the Family Atherinidae, Order Atheriniformes (silversides). See Fishbase for more information on this Family. 银汉鱼类银汉鱼目(银汉鱼类)银汉鱼科的鱼。
  3. Graceful and efficient, 2,000-pound mantas feed on Indian Ocean krill as silversides swirl around them in Hanifaru Bay in the Maldives. 马尔代夫的哈尼法如湾内,一群重达2,000磅,姿态优雅、捕食高效的蝠鲼正在吞食被银河鱼旋绕住的印度洋磷虾。
  4. Proliferating in summer, silversides nourish larger reef species such as jacks, whose numbers have fallen due to overfishing. 增殖在夏季,银河鱼滋养较大的珊瑚礁物种,如鱼类,由于过度捕捞其数目已经下降。
  5. Schools of silversides swim with a diver off western Grand Cayman. Proliferating in summer, silversides nourish larger reef species such as jacks, whose numbers have fallen due to overfishing. 最好的牛肉鱼群游泳伴随一位潜水者离开西部大鳄鱼。在夏天增加,最好的牛肉给予暗礁以营养例如:鱼类,那数量已经下降是由于过度捕鱼。
  6. large silversides of Pacific coast of North America. 北美洲太平洋沿岸的大银汉鱼。