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2024-02-09 12:50:17
美  英
sp.  辛比尔斯克( 苏联伏尔加河中游城市乌里扬诺夫斯克)


  1. One night the travelers put up at Simbirsk. 一天晚上,这两位旅行者在辛比尔斯克过夜。
  2. The trip was not without incident. One night the travelers put up at Simbirsk. 旅途并不是一帆风顺的。一天晚上,这两位旅行者在辛比尔斯克过夜。
  3. After seizing Tsaritsyn (now Volgograd), Astrakhan, and Saratov, his force of 20,000 undisciplined rebels was defeated by the Russian army at Simbirsk. 在取得了察里津(今窝瓦格勒)、阿斯特拉罕和萨拉托夫的土地后,他的缺乏组织纪律性的20,000军队被辛比尔斯克的军队打败。
  4. He was born in Simbirsk and died in Leninskie Gorki after a series of strokes exacerbated by an attempted assassination.His embalmed body is on permanent exhibition in the Lenin Mausoleum in Moscow. 去世多少和暗杀有关系,但是伟大领袖怎么都不能够是被暗杀的,那就种点风吧。