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2024-02-09 13:15:16
美[sɪmpl]  英[sɪmpl]
adj.  简单的;朴素的;单纯的;笨的
  比较级:simpler  最高级:simplest  名词:simpleness


  1. 简单的,简易的,易于理解的
  2. 朴素的,简朴的,不加装饰的
  3. 纯粹的,完全的
  4. 普通的,一般的
  5. 头脑简单的,天真的,单纯的
  6. 部位少的
  7. 结构简单的
  8. 不折不扣的
  9. 自然的
  10. 率直的
  1. <诗>简单地
  1. <古>草药,药用植物,药草制剂
  2. 头脑简单的人,幼稚的人
  3. 单纯之物
  4. 单体,初级的单体,单一成分的东西
  5. <古>出身低下者
  1. <古>采集草药


  1. 简单的,容易的 easy to understand or do; not difficult
  2. 朴素的,简朴的 plain; without decoration
  3. 纯粹的,单纯的,完全的 without anything added or mixed; pure
  4. 易受骗的; 迟钝的,头脑简单的 easily tricked; foolish


  1. any herbaceous plant having medicinal properties
  2. a person lacking intelligence or common sense
  1. having few parts; not complex or complicated or involved;

    "a simple problem" "simple mechanisms" "a simple design" "a simple substance"

  2. easy and not involved or complicated;

    "an elementary problem in statistics" "elementary, my dear Watson" "a simple game" "found an uncomplicated solution to the problem"

  3. apart from anything else; without additions or modifications;

    "only the bare facts" "shocked by the mere idea" "the simple passage of time was enough" "the simple truth"

  4. exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity;

    "childlike trust" "dewy-eyed innocence" "listened in round-eyed wonder"

  5. lacking mental capacity and subtlety
  6. (botany) of leaf shapes; of leaves having no divisions or subdivisions
  7. unornamented;

    "a simple country schoolhouse" "her black dress--simple to austerity"


  1. simple food简单的食物
  2. simple furniture朴素的家具
  3. simple job简单的工作
  4. simple life简朴的生活
  5. simple machine简单机械
  6. simple problem简单的问题
  7. simple sentence简单句
  8. simple style简朴的风格
  9. simple sum简单的算术题
  10. simple task简单的任务
  11. simple tea清茶
  12. simple tool简单的工具
  13. simple toy简单的玩具
  14. simple child纯洁的孩子
  15. simple heart纯洁的心
  16. simple man纯洁的人
  1. simple to answer很容易回答
  2. simple to believe a story of that sort愚蠢得相信那种故事
  3. simple to do the job做这工作很容易


  1. In each cave they constructed five simple beds.他们在每间窑洞里做了5个简单的床。
  2. As he had forgot his keys, he got into the house by the simple expedient of climbing through the window.他由于忘了带钥匙,便以简单的应急办法从窗户爬进屋里。
  3. I like my clothes to be simple but elegant.我喜欢朴素但漂亮雅致的衣服。
  4. "A-bomb, H-bomb and nuclear-powered submarine"两弹一艇
  5. This love between you and me is simple as a song我和你之间的爱,单纯得象一首歌
  6. Im not so simple as to think it will be easy.我决不致于笨得以为那是容易的事。
  7. She doesnt understand you. Shes a bit simple.她不明白你的意思。她有点笨。


    simple用作形容词,基本意思是“简单的,易懂的”,侧重于事物不复杂,易于迅速解决或很快被头脑接受。simple也可作“朴素的,简朴的”解,一般指生活过得简朴。simple引申可指人“头脑简单的,易受骗的; 迟钝的”或事物“结构单一的,非复合的”解。 simple在作“结构单一的,非复合的”“纯粹的,单纯的,完全的”解时,没有比较级和最高级形式。