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2024-02-09 14:12:16
美[sɪnfəli]  英[sɪnfəli]
adv.  有罪地(有罪过地;邪恶地)


  1. By their sin they provoked the wrath of the people. 他们因犯罪而激起人民的愤怒。
  2. I guess ignorance must be a sin. 我认为无知是一种罪。
  3. He thinks its a sin to covet others properties. 他认为贪图他人的财物是有罪的。
  4. He was pleasanter than original sin. 你要比原罪更令人愉快一些。
  5. My father held sin in abomination. 我父亲痛恨罪恶。
  6. Being late is an unforgivable sin round here. 迟到在这儿是一种不可原谅的过错。