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2024-02-09 14:27:16
美[sɪŋgəlˌtriː]  英[sɪŋgltriː]
n.  系曳绳的横木


  1. He climbed over the singletree, steadying himself with a hand on the burros white rump. 他爬到马车前的横木上,一只手放在毛驴白色的屁股上,让自己坐稳。
  2. "It is a most marvellous happening," Singletree, Darnley &Co. wrote Martin, "a critical philosophic essay selling like a novel. “此事非常出色,”欣格垂、达恩利公司给马丁的信上说,“哲学评论竟然能如小说一样畅销。
  3. And promptly as the United States mail could deliver and return, came Singletree, Darnley &Co.s check for five thousand dollars. 于是,欣格垂、达恩利公司就以美国邮递回函所能达到的最高速度寄来了五千元的支票一张。
  4. Clem felt the ground with his feet until he had located the other singletree 克莱姆用两脚在地上搜索,终于碰到了另一根横木。