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2024-02-09 14:52:16
美  英
adj.  中国的;中国文化的


  1. a group of Sino-Tibetan languages
  1. of or relating to the Chinese people or their language or culture;

    "Sinitic dialects"


  1. Wuxi sinitic company establishes in 1993, is from the individual proprietorship business enterprise of the Taiwan sinitic company investment. 无锡星帝皮件有限公司于一九九三年成立,是由台湾星帝公司投资的独资企业。
  2. State-holding joint stock company has strong sinitic feature, especially state-holding company of purchas recombine. 国有控股的股份制公司具有强烈的中国特色,特别是兼并重组后的国有控股的股份制公司。
  3. On the basis knowing Sinitic well, we want the culture studying English much more. 其实只要你们对英语感兴趣的话,或者只是学会几句自己感兴趣的句子或几个单词就好。
  4. Wuxi sinitic company would like to provide the high-quality service for the domestic and international customer with all sincerity! 星帝皮件有限公司竭诚愿意为国内外客户提供优质服务!
  5. Well have a Sinitic scented tea business program named Flower Time, open multiple shops in different campus and set up beneficence shops. 其中主要内容包括具有中国特色的“花样年华”花茶商业项目、并将在大学校园中建立连锁花茶店;
  6. Only in this society, people could take part in the great practice of building the sinitic social democracy self-consciously. 也只有在这样的社会里,人们才能自觉积极参与到建设中国特色社会主义的伟大实践中。