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2024-02-09 15:44:16
美[saɪfɒnɪk]  英[saɪfɒnɪk]
adj.  虹吸作用的(虹吸管状的)


  1. The big clubs siphon off all the best players. 大俱乐部把所有最佳选手都抽调走了。
  2. If youre short of petrol you can siphon off a gallon from my tank. 如果汽油不够,你可以从我的油箱中用虹吸管吸一加仑去。
  3. A liquid is made to flow through a siphon. 使液体通过虹吸管。
  4. We need a new road to siphon off some of the traffic from the town center. 我们需要一条新路分流市中心的行人车辆。
  5. Capillary Siphonic Drain Belt/Pipe. 毛细式透导水膜(管)。
  6. Difference of pressure makes a liquid flow through a siphon. 压力差使得液体通过虹吸管。