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2024-02-09 16:29:16
美[sɪt]  英[sɪt]
v.  坐;栖息;使就座
n.  坐;栖息
  过去式:sat  过去分词:sat  现在分词:sitting  第三人称单数:sits


  1. 坐(着),(使)就座(常与反身代词连用),蹲坐
  2. 开会
  3. 开庭
  4. 骑(马),骑乘
  5. 合身
  6. 栖息
  7. 调平(小船)
  8. 占有席位
  9. 憩息
  10. 当委员
  11. 进窝,伏窝
  12. 孵蛋
  13. 坐落于,位于,处于
  14. 静坐示威
  15. 【军】扎营,驻扎
  16. 摆姿势而坐
  17. 当模特儿
  18. 可供...坐
  19. 成为负担
  20. 停滞在胃里
  21. 搁置不用
  22. 替人临时照看小孩
  23. 可坐得下
  24. <英>参加(考试)
  25. 担任
  26. 被放在
  1. 坐马
  2. 坐着等候的时间
  3. 合身的程度
  4. 栖息


  1. vt. & vi. (使)坐 rest on the lower part of the body, with the weight off the feet
  2. vi. (动物或鸟)栖息; 伏窝 (of an animal or bird) be or go into a position with the tail end of the body resting on a surface


  1. be seated
  2. be around, often idly or without specific purpose;

    "The object sat in the corner" "We sat around chatting for another hour"

  3. take a seat
  4. be in session;

    "When does the court of law sit?"

  5. assume a posture as for artistic purposes;

    "We dont know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often"

  6. sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions;

    "She never sat a horse!" "Did you ever ride a camel?" "The girl liked to drive the young mare"

  7. be located or situated somewhere;

    "The White House sits on Pennsylvania Avenue"

  8. work or act as a baby-sitter;

    "I cannot baby-sit tonight; I have too much homework to do"

  9. show to a seat; assign a seat for;

    "The host seated me next to Mrs. Smith"

  10. serve in a specific professional capacity;

    "the priest sat for confession" "she sat on the jury"


  1. sit six people坐六个人
  1. sit alone独自坐着
  2. sit still安静地坐着
  3. sit tight稳坐不动,毫不动摇
  4. sit calmly静静地坐下
  5. sit daringly大胆地坐下
  6. sit dejectedly沮丧地坐下
  7. sit desperately绝望地坐下
  8. sit grotesquely古怪地坐下
  9. sit habitually惯常地坐下
  10. sit ignominiously不光彩地坐下
  11. sit inscrutably高深莫测地坐下
  12. sit about〔around〕懒洋洋地闲坐,坐着不吭声
  13. sit back向后靠着坐,不动,旁观
  14. sit down就座,扎营,降落
  15. sit oneself down自行就座
  16. sit out坐在一旁
  17. sit out the next dance不跳下一场舞
  18. sit out the whole play看完整出戏
  19. sit over坐过去一点
  20. sit up直起身来,熬夜
  21. sit up all night彻夜不眠
  22. sit up late晚睡
  1. sit back from the road坐落在离大路有一段距离的地方
  2. sit down at a piano坐下弹钢琴
  3. sit down in a chair在椅子上坐下
  4. sit down to a meal坐下就餐
  5. sit out in the garden到外面的花园坐
  1. sit at ones feet拜某人为师,追随某人
  2. sit beside坐在某人的身边
  3. sit by the window坐在窗旁
  4. sit for为…而坐着摆好姿势
  5. sit for an examination参加考试
  6. sit in classes听课
  7. sit on坐(骑)在…上,搁置,当…的一员
  8. sit on a bench坐在长凳上
  9. sit on eggs(鸡)孵蛋
  10. sit on pins and needles如坐针毡
  11. sit through(无兴趣而强忍着)坐着听完
  12. sit through a performance看完演出
  13. sit through the speech不得不听完演说
  14. sit to an artist坐着由画家画像
  15. sit under sb twice a week一星期听某人的两次课
  16. sit upon shoulder落在肩上
  17. sit with sb all night整夜守护某人


  1. He sat at his desk working.他坐在桌子旁边工作。
  2. The students sit in a circle on the floor.学生们在地板上坐成一圈。
  3. There is a sparrow sitting on a branch.有只麻雀栖在树枝上。
  4. Sit yourself down and tell us what happened.你坐下,告诉我们怎么回事。
  1. Would you like a sit on the deck-chair?在躺椅上坐一会儿好吗?
  2. Chickens sit on a roost at night.鸡夜晚栖息在竿子上。


    sit的基本意思是“(使)坐”,引申可表示“(动物)蹲”“(鸟类)停落”“(照相或画像时)摆好姿势”“(在议会中)担任职务”等。 sit主要用作不及物动词,表示“坐着”的状态。sit也可用作及物动词,表示“使…坐下”,表示瞬间的动作,不可与表示一段时间的状语连用。 sit还可用作系动词,后接名词、形容词、过去分词或现在分词作表语。 sit可用副词充当宾语补足语。


  1. 那孩子尚小,还不能坐在桌旁。

    The child is not old enough to sit on the table yet.

    The child is not old enough to sit at the table yet.

    sit at the table表示“坐在桌子旁边”,而sit on the table则表示“坐在桌子上”。


    He is sitting an important examination.

    He is sitting for an important examination.

    be sit for sth 表示“参加某事”时, for不可省。


    When the manager entered his office, he saw an old man sitting in a chair waiting for him.

    When the manager entered his office, he saw an old man waiting for him in a chair.

    可删去分词sitting。因为in a chair已足以表示老人“坐”在椅子里了。


    How late did you sit last night?

    How late did you sit up last night?

    sit up 表示“熬夜”,为固定短语, up不能省。


    She sat silently, waiting for their decision.

    She sat silent, waiting for their decision.



    Sit, please.

    Sit down, please.

    sit表示“坐”这一动作的状态,表示持续的动作。而sit down则表示“坐下”,表示瞬间的动作。


    I have not got a chair to sit.

    I have not got a chair to sit down.

    I have not got a chair to sit on.

    动词不定式修饰名词作后置定语时,该动词不定式与所修饰的名词是动宾关系。sit是不及物动词,接a chair时必须借助介词on。