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2024-02-09 16:38:16
美[saɪtɒstəroʊl]  英[saɪtɒstərəʊl]
n.  [化]谷甾醇


  1. The yield of ??sitosterol is 0.36% in n-hexane extracts . -谷甾醇;其含量占正己烷提取物重量的0.;36%25。
  2. Animal sterol mainly contains cholesterol;plant sterol mainly contains sitosterol, stigmasterol and compesterol etc, which exist in the plant seeds. 动物性甾醇以胆固醇为主,植物性甾醇主要为谷甾醇,豆甾醇和菜油甾醇等,存在与植物种子之中。
  3. β- sitosterol - 3 - O-β- D- gluco- p yranoside 胡萝卜苷
  4. Keywords Arisaema amurense;derivative of byran;mannitol;sitosterol; 东北天南星;吡喃衍生物;甘露醇;谷甾醇;
  5. Keywords Aristolochiae Manishuriensis kom;Aristolochic acid;Sitosterol; 关木通;马兜铃酸;谷甾醇;
  6. Study About Sitosterol in the Roots of Rhododendron Simsii Planch From Xiangxi Country 湘西杜鹃花植物根中甾醇类化合物的研究