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2024-02-09 16:49:16
美[ˌsɪtʃueɪʃn]  英[ˌsɪtʃueɪʃn]
n.  形势;局面;位置;职位;处境;状况
  形容词:situational  副词:situationally


  1. 形势,局面,情况,状况
  2. 位置,地点
  3. 职位,工作
  4. 处境,境遇
  5. 地位
  6. 紧张情节或场面,危急关头
  7. 场所
  8. 关系
  9. 在一定时间内作用于生物的内外总刺激
  10. 【心】情境
  11. 环境特点


  1. [C] 形势,情况 a position or state at a particular time; set of conditions, facts, and events having an effect on a person, society, etc.
  2. [C] 职业,职位,工作 position in work, a job
  3. [C] 位置,环境 a position with regard to surroundings


  1. the general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time;

    "the present international situation is dangerous" "wondered how such a state of affairs had come about" "eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation"

  2. a condition or position in which you find yourself;

    "the unpleasant situation (or position) of having to choose between two evils" "found herself in a very fortunate situation"

  3. a complex or critical or unusual difficulty;

    "the dangerous situation developed suddenly" "thats quite a situation" "no human situation is simple"

  4. physical position in relation to the surroundings;

    "the sites are determined by highly specific sequences of nucleotides"

  5. a job in an organization;

    "he occupied a post in the treasury"


  1. affect a situation影响形势
  2. analyze a situation分析形势
  3. better a situation改善局面
  4. bring about a situation带来一种局面
  5. change a situation改变形势
  6. command a situation控制局面
  7. consider the situation考虑形势
  8. discuss a situation讨论局势
  9. ease a situation使事态缓和
  10. grasp a situation掌握形势
  11. handle a situation处理局面
  12. improve a situation改善局面
  13. meet the situation应付形势
  14. observe situation关注形势
  15. reverse the situation扭转局势
  16. save a situation挽回局势,解救危急
  17. settle a situation稳定局势
  18. take in a situation了解情况,认清形势
  19. take stock of the situation估计形势
  20. watch situation关注形势
  21. have a good situation得到好的职位
  22. lose a good situation失去好的职位
  23. seek situation寻求职业
  1. above situation上述情况
  2. actual situation实际情况
  3. acute situation严重的局势
  4. bad situation糟糕的局面
  5. critical situation危急形势
  6. current situation当前形势
  7. dangerous situation处境危险
  8. difficult situation困难的局面
  9. economic situation经济形势
  10. explosive situation爆炸性的局势
  11. good situation大好形势
  12. historical situation历史地位
  13. hopeless situation没有希望的形势
  14. international situation国际形势
  15. national situation全国形势
  16. no-win situation输定的局势
  17. political situation政治形势
  18. present situation目前形势
  19. strong situation(故事,戏剧中)动人的场面
  20. tense situation紧张形势
  21. well-paying situation报酬优厚的职位
  22. whole situation大局
  1. crime situation犯罪状况
  2. emergency situation紧急局势
  3. export situation出口形势
  4. housing situation住房状况
  5. import situation进口形势
  6. market situation市场形势
  7. trade situation贸易状况
  8. wartime situation战时形势
  9. world situation世界局势
  1. in this situation在这种场合,关于这一点
  2. in the present situation在目前形势下
  3. out of a situation失业
  4. under the present situation在目前形势下
  1. situation at the front前线的情况
  2. situation in the Middle East中东的形势


  1. The overall situation is worsening.整体形势在日益恶化。
  2. The economic situation is now different.现在经济形势不同了。
  3. You dealt with an awkward situation very tactfully.你很巧妙地处理了一个困难的局面。
  4. The house is in a good situation at the top of the hill.这座房子在山上的一个好位置上。
  5. He was promoted to a high situation for his outstanding performance in the project.因为在项目中的突出表现,他被提升到高职位。
  6. He was in a dangerous situation.他处境危险。
  7. He laughed off an embarrassing situation.他以笑来解除这种尴尬的处境。
  8. He gave a neat summary of the financial situation.他对财务状况做了简要的概括。


    situation的基本意思是“形势,情况”,多指国家的政治局势,经济状态等。是可数名词。 situation作“职业,职位,工作”解时是比较旧式的用法。 situation还可作“位置,环境”解。