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2024-02-09 17:19:17
美[saɪz]  英[saɪz]
n.  大小;规模;尺寸;尺码;浆料;胶料
v.  按大小排列(或分类);给…上胶
adj.  (用于复合词)…大小的
  名词:sizer  过去式:sized  过去分词:sized  现在分词:sizing  第三人称单数:sizes


  1. 大小,尺码,号,尺寸
  2. <口>真相,实情
  3. 胶料,涂料
  4. 大量
  5. 才干,能力
  6. 声望
  7. 浆糊,胶水
  8. 容量,规模
  9. 相当大,很大
  1. 按尺寸排列,依身长排列,按大小排列
  2. 按一定尺寸制作
  3. 相比,相等,相同
  4. 给...涂上胶水,对...上浆
  5. 估算,估量尺寸大小,估量,判断
  6. 【军】量身段
  7. 不相上下
  8. 领取定食
  9. 筛分,分粒
  10. 改变、标定、确定…的大小


  1. [U] [C] 大小,尺寸 a degree of bigness or smallness
  2. [C] 尺码 any of a set of standard measures according to which goods are produced
  1. vi. & vt. 按大小排列 sort sth according to size


  1. the physical magnitude of something (how big it is);

    "a wolf is about the size of a large dog"

  2. the property resulting from being one of a series of graduated measurements (as of clothing);

    "he wears a size 13 shoe"

  3. any glutinous material used to fill pores in surfaces or to stiffen fabrics;

    "size gives body to a fabric"

  4. the actual state of affairs;

    "thats the size of the situation" "she hates me, thats about the size of it"

  5. a large magnitude;

    "he blanched when he saw the size of the bill" "the only city of any size in that area"

  1. (used in combination) sized;

    "the economy-size package" "average-size house"

  1. cover or stiffen or glaze a porous material with size or sizing (a glutinous substance)
  2. sort according to size
  3. make to a size; bring to a suitable size


  1. augment the size扩大规模
  2. change the size改变尺码
  3. compare sizes比较大小
  4. estimate the size估量大小
  5. exceed the size超过规模
  6. fix a size固定尺码
  7. like the size of喜欢…的型号
  8. measure the size度量大小
  9. reduce the size of减少…的体积
  10. take the size量尺寸
  11. wear a certain size穿某一尺码
  1. actual size实际大小〔体积〕
  2. agreed size合适的尺寸,一致的尺码
  3. all sizes各种尺码
  4. average size平均尺寸
  5. certain size某一尺码
  6. different size不同尺寸〔型号〕
  7. definite size一定的尺寸,明确的尺码〔型号〕
  8. large size大型,大号,大规模
  9. minute size微小的体积
  10. natural size如实物一样大小
  11. real size如实物一样大小
  12. regular size固定尺码
  13. right size正确的尺码
  14. small size小型,小号
  15. special size特别型号
  16. standard size标准尺寸
  17. tiny size小得可怜的尺码,微小的体积
  18. tremendous size大号
  19. usual size一般大小
  20. various sizes各种型号〔尺码〕
  21. wrong size错误的尺码
  1. life size活生生的,如真人一般
  2. pocket size袖珍型
  3. boys sizes男孩尺码
  4. children sizes儿童尺码
  5. girls sizes女孩尺码
  6. men sizes男士尺码
  7. women sizes女士尺码
  1. size fifteen collar十五号的领子
  2. size seven gloves七号手套
  1. beyond the natural size超过实物的大小
  2. people of all shapes and sizes各种形体的人
  3. of many sizes有大有小
  4. building of vast size巨大的建筑物
  5. under size(人)矮小
  1. size down to around fifteen students缩小至15名学生
  2. size for this product这种产品的尺码
  3. the size of和…一般大小
  4. size of a book书的大小
  5. the size of a delegation一个代表团的规模
  6. the size of a ducks egg鸭蛋般大小
  7. the size of a horse和马差不多大
  8. the size of the cheque支票的数额
  1. size down从大到小排列
  2. size up估计某物之大小


  1. The size of the apples varied.那些苹果大小不同。
  2. The company doubled its size in nine years.9年来这家公司的规模扩大了一倍。
  3. What size of collar is this shirt?这衬衣领子的尺寸是多少?
  4. Do you have the same size and design in black?这种尺码和款式有黑色的吗?
  1. A mans shirt is sized by its neck.男子的衬衫号码是按领口大小分的。


    size的基本意思是“大小”,可指尺寸、规模、身材等,也可作“号码,尺码”解,此时是可数名词。size还可作“声望”解,此时是不可数名词。 size在表示“大小”这一概念时,可大可小,但是,在没有相应的定语修饰的情况下,它总是偏大。 size常与介词of连用,与系动词be连用时,往往省略介词of。 size与the right, the same等词连用时,常省去介词of, size前有small, large, medium等词修饰时,介词of多不省略。
    size用作及物动词时,可作“依大小排列,依一定的尺寸制造”解。 size常与up连用,表示“测定物的大小,估量(人),估计(情况)”解; 也可与down连用,表示“按大小顺序排列”。


  1. 这只蛋差不多和我的拳头一般大小。

    The egg was the size of about my fist.

    The egg was about the size of my fist.

    the size of可以在句中构成两个东西大小的比较,此时程度状语放在该短语前面。


    This book is twice size of that.

    This book is twice the size of that.

    表示倍数或分数的词可放在the size之前。


    How many size of shoes do you take?

    What size shoes do you take?

    问“多大尺码”时,应该用what size...?