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2024-02-09 17:59:16
美[skelp]  英[skelp]
n.  制管钢板(制管熟铁板;焊接管坯;焊管铁条)


  1. The skelp tested shall be in its final condition, ready for pipe forming, when the test coupons are removed. 用于管道成型的管制钢板试验应在其最终状态,试样被移除时进行。
  2. A skelp end weld) is a seam weld that joins plate or skelp ends together in helical seam pipe. (钢带对头焊焊缝)就是螺旋缝钢管上钢板或钢带头尾相接的焊缝。
  3. It described the mold tubing, the water guiding casing, the water jacket and the foot roller section for the mold of skelp continuous casting machine. 对管坯连铸机结晶器中结晶器管、水导向套管、水外套钢管和足辊段等部分结构以及对材料的选择、部分参数的确定进行了论述。
  4. Intorduction of air hole weld defect in Skelp connection Weiding of HF welded Steel Pipe Mill, analysis of the cause of formation, and bring forward means of troubleshooting. 介绍在高频直缝焊管生产线的带钢对接工序中出现的气孔缺陷,分析成因、提出解决办法。
  5. Metal separations, resulting from imperfections at the edges of the plate or skelp, parallel to the surface, which turn toward the ID or OD pipe surface when the edges are upset during welding. 由于钢板或管坯边缘存在的缺欠所产生的平行于对焊表面的金属分离,当焊接过程中对焊边顶锻时,这些缺欠超者管子内表面或外表面翘曲。
  6. In this paper, the reform process of the welding equipment and the choice of welding parameter about CO2 enclosed-arc welding as skelp end-welding in welded steel pipe mill are introduced. 介绍了管子、带钢接头CO2气体保护自动焊焊接设备的改造过程及工艺参数选择。