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2024-02-09 18:56:17
美[skɪmə]  英[skɪmə]
n.  撇取浮物的器具;大略阅读的人;网勺;燕鸥类


  1. a rapid superficial reader
  2. a cooking utensil used to skim fat from the surface of liquids
  3. a stiff hat made of straw with a flat crown
  4. gull-like seabird that flies along the surface of the water with an elongated lower mandible immersed to skim out food


  1. Her big face, dotted with red blotches, presented the appearance of a skimmer. 她的那张宽脸生满了雀斑,看去就象个漏勺。
  2. The new type of refractory for the skimmer and dam lining is made and tested. 对新型砂口泥进行了研制,同时改进了套砂口工艺,满足了攀钢高炉焖砂口的需要。
  3. Practice on long service life of water cooled slag skimmer used in No. 2 BF of Shaoguan Iron and Steel Co. 韶钢2号高炉水冷撇渣器长寿实践。
  4. A flock of African skimmer birds glides over the fish-rich waters of Gabons coastal region. 一群剪嘴鸥在加蓬海岸区鱼类富集的水面上空滑翔而过。
  5. The surface skimmer is very dangerous for any shrimp. Shrimp tends to climb into it. 除油器不适合用在水晶虾缸;小虾会爬进去.
  6. AquaExcel Skimmer Internal design item, quality design with professional bubble plate, fit for tank up to 600L. 内置使用,适用于600升的水族箱。采用优质压克力材料精心制作,配置专业导流盒,效果更佳。