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2024-02-09 19:06:16
美[skɪnhed]  英[skɪnhed]
n.  光头仔;行为暴戾的青少年


  1. a young person who belongs to a British or American group that shave their heads and gather at rock concerts or engage in white supremacist demonstrations


  1. Saw a skinhead major interruption. 涨停了,光头大阳线。
  2. There are the obvious examples: the gay bashers, the skinhead neo-Nazis, Jesse Helms, those who decry us as Satanic. 随着人们对同性恋者的赶尽杀绝,非人性化就变得那么的显而易见。
  3. Alarmist rhetoric from President Vladimir Putin; skinhead violence on Russian streets. Is there a connection? 普京总统危言耸听的外交辞令和俄国街头的平民暴力,他们之间有关联么?
  4. Thrillers originally wanted to experience the feeling, but Ge You can only lead to waves of laughter skinhead. 本来想体验一下毛骨悚然的感觉,但葛优的光头只能引来一阵阵笑声。
  5. He likes technology, his sense of family responsibility, although he is a skinhead, I still feel handsome. 喜欢他的技术,他的家庭责任感,虽然他是个光头,我还是觉得很帅。
  6. Skinhead, Deadhead, Everybody, Gone bad Situation, Aggravation, Everybody, Allegation In the suite, On t... 其中部分画面在中国绝对禁播 They dont care about us!